Transform a child’s life through literacy! Our individual giving program, Children’s Literacy Champions, ensures that more underserved children in Central Alabama receive critical literacy instruction and resources needed to close the achievement gap.
Your donation is tax-deductible and may be made in one payment or drafted monthly. Please contact Alisa Boone with questions about giving. Giving levels are outlined below.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of Alabama children.
As an Ally, you receive a curated gift, an invitation to our annual Love for Literacy breakfast, and recognition in the Impact Report.
As an Advocate, you receive Ally benefits plus recognition on signage in the Better Basics office.
As a Hero, you receive Advocate benefits plus an invitation to an exclusive donor event.
Pete Blank
Elizabeth Burgess
Mr. Jesse Cash
Charlotte Donlon
Jim & Marilyn Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Horne
Amy & Steve Jackson
Joe & Cornelia LaRussa
Ms. Toni Leeth
Jennifer Mathews
Marjorie Perlman
Jimmy Puckett
Doug Sittason
Olivia LaRussa Anderson
Mary Jane & Rick Arendale
Charles Ball, Jr.
Ms. Casey Bartok
Mr. Lee Benton
Shannon Champion
Bryan & Melody Drummond
Ms. Melody Eagan
First US Bank
Anirban Ghosh
Mike & Suzanne Graham (Mission LLC)
Lee Ann & Melvin Jacobs Foundation
Mr. Walker Johnson
Brian Mitchell
Kyle Raburn
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Rutstein
Amanda Saint
Mr. Chris Seaman
Sexton Family Foundation
Jay Bennett
William & Mary Blalock
Ms. Pamela Galle
Sanders Family Foundation
JT Stephens Foundation
Doug Zeiger Charitable Fund